Friday, November 14, 2014

What-ifs and Whatevers

On my way home from work after a snowy day, I noticed the half moon hanging in the night sky. It was beautiful, then I noticed how clear it was and how you could see all the stars and I was thinking God is Great. Maybe it was the JJ Heller cd playing in the truck or the fact that we just got the awesome news this week that we are having a girl but it was so clear to me at that exact second... stop worrying about silly details and just love people. Sharing the message of grace and forget about cliques and stereotypes. We get so caught up in having fun and trying to have a good time, we stop caring about others and putting them in front of ourselves. People could be having troubles at home or maybe a sickness in the family and all they need is someone to say hi or even have a chat with them. So what I am getting at is wipe away your grumpy face because your sports team lost or you phone just died and smile, help someone out and listen. As Paul says in Acts 20:35 "it is more blessed to give then to receive".

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Kung Fused!

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms -Ephesians 6:12
November 9th & 23rd
November 30th MOVIE NIGHT!!!